Thursday, March 12, 2009

Baby and Children's Bath Products Warning

Awhile back (February 11) I posted some pictures and information about a new line of organic bath products I'm carrying. Well, I'm glad I got them, because a customer of mine just sent me a link to a disturbing article from about all the toxic chemicals that are found in common kids' bath products. Please check out the article by clicking on the title of this post, and be aware of what is in your child's (and your own) products. Skin is the biggest organ your body has, and as we know, it easily absorbs whatever you put on it. I really don't like fear-based marketing, but in this case, I think it's worth mentioning.


Laura said...

I've been using Skin Deep for quite a while now. I have to say I was shocked to learn that no one is looking out for us, we have to take charge and research everything ourselves. Not even our babies are protected by the powers that be.

My eyes were really opened after reading "The Hundred Year Lie" - shocking!

This was a good reminder for me to check out all of our kids' products. Thanks Laurie!

Bathtub Drain said...

Thanks for your info and link.
I really need to check out the products for my kid.

Anonymous said...

This is really an interesting blog site as it targets the kids and their mothers by the bathing products for kids.
Bath Products